We are located in middle of the complex. Our suite is an end unit. Please look for a business window which looks like this.

Here is a photo from one of our clients for detox bath products she uses and recommends.

Not seeing answers to your questions? Please send us a message here.

13 + 8 =

If you are unable to do this, please consider postponing your session until you are able to. EES centers provide meditative environment to optimize relaxation and cellular recharge for your body. Thank you.

Please expect the following:

  • Our Suite can be challenging to find, especially on your first visit. It is located in the center of the complex, and the address is not visible from Brea Blvd. Drive into the center of the complex, Brea Lofts, and look for the address that is located away from the street side.
  • Parking could also be difficult to find, depending on the time of the day. Street parking is also available. Please contact us for further assistance.
  • We are an end-unit suite with a large window sign with a dolphin logo and 5D Wellness Center. Please see photo with our window display on the left-hand side of this FAQ.

We have a half bathroom within our suite that is exclusive to us. There is a secondary bathroom for ADA friendly use.

A session consists of going into the therapy room and getting comfortable by sitting, reclining, or laying down on our zero-gravity electric recliners.  Once in this position, most people close eyes and begin deep relaxation, often falling asleep. It is highly recommended to keep in meditative state by keeping eyes closed, as roughly 60%-70% of our mental energy is used when our eyes are open. The bio-active healing energy begins to work immediately with your body, targeting directly from the cellular level.  Some people report feeling subtle tingly sensations immediately upon entering the room and throughout the session. To those who don't feel this, not to worry. The EES photonic energy is still working and powerfully so, even if you don’t feel any tingling sensations.  Some people are more sensitive to energies but not all of us are. I didn't feel anything throughout all of my near 44-hour-sessions. So, please do not worry should you feel no difference between in and outside of the meditation room.

It is important to keep quiet in the meditation room. Drinks with closed lids only are allowed. To block out ambient noise, we offer either a headphone and/or disposable earplugs.

EES sessions is an advance technology, an assistive tool in arriving at your own unique intended well-being. EES technology has led countless people with health problems to return to quality life, including complete healing as it was in my case. Set your intention of seeking health at most healthy state you can imagine. Allow this imagination meeting with reality. All things are possible. It begins with a mindset, so imagine and....go there!

The answer to how many sessions is up to each person and this cannot be answered in a cookie-cutter fashion. This is best answered by looking at the packaged hours we offer and see which one speaks to you. Your discernment or intuition will be your best guide in arriving at an answer. Furthermore, all EES centers operate without licenses or certificates, so we are unable to make recommendations or suggestions.

Per Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, many continued hours are most beneficial. The smallest packaged hour we offer is a 2-hour session. For example, instead of ten 2-hour sessions, reduce the number of sessions and increase the duration of each session: five 4-hour sessions, two 10-hour sessions (most ideal for overnights).

The frequency of treatments depends on what you want to accomplish and how much scalar energy affects your body.  On-going regular sessions will aid in keeping your body in a state of health, vitality, and youthfulness. The best method is to own your own EES at home for constant exposure at home setting.

The package I purchased consisted of 2hr/day, up to 6 days/week, totaling 12 hours/week. I asked the owner if I could change this package to 4-hours/day, 3 times/week, and she allowed me to do so. I had one month to use this package. It was either use it or lose it situation, as no hours carried over to next day or next week. I received a total of approximately 44 hours.

The decision of having a 48-unit system was made while receiving sessions at a 24-unit system EES center. These units were in 600 square feet in space. The EES room we were looking at this time was a little over 1300 sq ft just for the meditation room alone. It was a simple math that led me to placing an order for a 48-unit system. 600 sq ft with 24 units; 1300 sq ft with 48 units. This decision was made in June of 2022 and subsequent downpayment was made the following month in July. I had no idea we would be the first location to offer a 48-unit system in the world until someone told me a couple months after placing the order.

All 48-units are in one room. Despite approximate 440 square feet of the mediation space, we have decided to keep the 48 units to honor our words. Countless clients who contacted us, noting the number of units, helped us in our decision in keeping these number of units.

  • Anti-aging effects
  • Balanced left and right hemispheres of the brain
  • Blood oxygenation and improved circulation
  • Cellular regeneration stimulation and DNA repair
  • Deep meditative relaxation
  • Detoxification
  • Enhanced learning capabilities and neurological function
  • Improved blood profiles
  • Improved concentration and focus
  • Improved immune function
  • Improved mental health and elevated mood
  • Improved response to stress
  • Improved self-confidence, self-acceptance, and self-love
  • Improved sense of well-being
  • Improved sleep
  • Increased calmness, peace, and harmony
  • Increased creativity
  • Increased energy and physical stamina
  • Major benefits for diabetes and neuropathy 
  • Mental flexibility and clarity
  • Natural healing and rejuvenation
  • Oxygenates blood and improves circulation
  • Peak performance
  • Rapid post-surgical healing
  • Reduced effects of past traumas
  • Relief from pain

Side effects vs detoxification symptoms: Yes.

From Dr. Michael: ...is not a typical response. "The 1st thing the body wants to do is clean house and toxins may not feel great on their way out, however, you want to trust the body's intelligence and do everything to support the detox vs stopping the body from doing what it wants and going back to treating the symptoms. The toxicity and perhaps drug residues that created the issues may not feel wonderful on their way out, but the body knows what it is doing. Hydration is important. I also like to support the process with either the Calibr8 formula or my Magic Formula. There also seems to be a bit rougher detox if people have been jabbed or have been around those who have. The larger EESystems also usually support a smoother, easier detox. Also encourage people to Let Go of their fear of letting go of their stuff and whatever created their issues and thank the body for doing whatever it takes to heal and function more optimally. This is just healthy energy and it is up to the person and their body what they do with the energy. What if they really can let go of anything that created their issues in the 1st place??

Get excited about detox symptoms rather than resisting, making them wrong, and treating them as if they are a disease."

Recommended to do the following for several days prior to the appointment, as comfortable as you feel, as much as possible, as much as your medical condition allows:
- Hydrate with 8 cups of water/day.
- Avoid caffeinated beverages.
- Organic, wholesome food: increase fresh fruit and vegetable in take.
- Minimize animal proteins.
- Have a light meal prior to the session.
Recommended items to bring:
- Two blankets: one to cover the recliner and another to cover yourself
- Pillow: most do not need this
- Wear comfortable clothing / socks.
- Comfortable shoes
- Eye mask: if prefer dark environment. The room lights will be turned off at all times, however, the lights from the units will significantly brighten the room.
- Keep valuables at home.
- We do not recommend bringing purses and backpacks due to the limited space in the room. Bring minimal items, small enough to keep in your pockets.
- Please leave all sharp objects at home or in the car, as this can damage the leather recliner.
- We will provide disposable earplug and headphones to reduce ambient noise.

Hydrate enough but not overly to a point where your session will be frequently interrupted with bathroom breaks.

After each session:

Hydrate, hydrate, so as long as your health/medical condition is not contraindicated for water intake.

Take a bath in hot water, as hot as you can handle, for detox, as long as you can handle. Do this near your bedtime. If you are unable to take baths or do not have the access to the bathtub, please take foot baths using the same ingredients, except reduce the solution and the ingredients according to the footbath pail size.

Per Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, outside of EES, we are exposed to microwave environment. The detox baths should be once a week with or without the EES sessions. After EES session, however, the detox bath is recommended to be taken within the 24-hours of the session. It is highly recommended to take these baths closer to your bedtime.

Salt Bath Recipes:

Option 1:
Hypercharged EESalt: ½ package

Option 2:
* 2 cups: baking soda (Aluminum free recommended)
* 2 cups: Himalayan pink salt
* 1 cup: Borax (Recommended brand: 20 Mule Team Borax
* 2 Tablespoon (or more) Hypercharged EESalt


  • Pine oil or other essential oil
  • ½ cup bentonite clay
  • 2 tsp – ¼ cup: Ginger powder
  • 2 tsp – ¼ cup: Matcha green tea
  • 2 cups: Hydrogen Peroxide

All EES products are directly from EES website: www.EESystem.com. The advantage of purchasing these items is that you get to touch, see, and feel before buying, and we absorb the shipping costs.

  • EES sessions: $100/2-hour day session; $350/10-hour night session: Discounted packages available. Please see Prices/Packages section of our website.
  • EEMedallions: $100/each
  • EEBracelets: $62 each
  • EEBracelets Duo: $100/set
  • EES: Gold Bio-collagen Facial Masks: 1 for $20 or 4 for $60
  • EESalt: $35/each
  • EESystem 15-stage Water Filter Shower Head: $80/each
  • EENecklace: $28/each
  • Nanosoma sprays: $50/each or $500 for a dozen; Normal price $57/each
    • https://magicdichol.info/
    • https://thenanosoma.com/reviews

Copied from EES website:

Comes in your choice of one stone with a black cord.

Stone choices: Golden Tigers Eye, Hawks Eye (Blue Tigers Eye), Pink Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Black Obsidian, Pyrite, Zebra Jasper, Aventurine, Amethyst, White Jade, or Two (2) Mini White Jade.

*Please note that all natural stones vary in color and may be different from those pictured. Also, while the charge does last indefinitely the medallions are made of natural stone and can break or chip when dropped. Feel free to wear the EEMedallion on your choice of chain or cord other than the one provided. If you do choose to keep it on the black cord, please tie a tight knot and burn the end to secure it."

We have developed our very own proprietary and highly effective process that we utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge;” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions, bracelets, and other products. The EESystem creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than simply placing substances into an EESystem alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy, self-regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function.

Embedding the technology into our wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in our technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this technology works but I imagine you want a basic understanding. Essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is the optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product. The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:

  • Builds a general body vitality level.
  • Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
  • Enhances resistance capacity.
  • Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
  • Increases focus and concentration.
  • Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
  • Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
  • Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.Increases DNA protection.

A piece of scalar technology has been embedded into medallions and bracelets that can be worn or carried with you when you’re not in the EE System therapy rooms. The scalar waves that are hyper-charged into the EE System products nullify the electro pollution in our environment. This includes the electromagnetic waves from cell phones, televisions, computer screens, power lines, toxins, pollution, radiation, and microwaves.

The medallions offer easy and ongoing support by creating a five-foot cocoon around the body, buffering, and nullifying the electro pollution in your immediate environment.  Individuals who regularly wear these medallions have reported elevated energy levels, better sleep, improvement with headaches, and reduction in chronic pain. Wearing the medallion surrounds your body with the scalar energy which charges your cells and puts you into a charged and healthy energy state.

The bracelets work similarly as the medallions, however, because they are touching the pulse point (your inner wrist), the scalar energy goes through the bracelet with every pulse and has a direct affect to your bloodstream.  The newly energized blood thereby positively affects everywhere your blood goes - all of your vitals organs, and your internal systems.

Studies have shown that the scalar energy embedded into these stones hold their charge 100% of the time after decades of use and wear.  In other words, they never need to be recharged.  Studies have also shown that wearing these products regularly, raises the millivolt of the wearer by 28 points.  As Dr. Sandra Rose Michael has stated, “If you knew what I knew in terms of the environment in which we are living in, you would never want to leave this (the EE System therapy) room.”  We quote this, not to cause fear, but to inform you that you can nullify the microwave that you are living in through regular wearing of these products.  We emulate Dr. Michael’s own actions by wearing two medallions and several bracelets every day.

*Please note that all natural stones have variations and may be different than those pictured. Also, try to pick the right size for your wrist, most men prefer the 8″.

Information below is from EE System website: www.EESystem.com

We have developed our very own proprietary and highly effective invention that we utilize for creating and permanently embedding the “hyper-charge,” dense intentional, super conductive scalar effects into medallions, bracelets, and other products. This device plugs into our 16 unit EESystem and creates a focused and more intense field that provides an exponentially more powerful field than just the system alone allowing us to target and charge our products to carry and deliver the extraordinarily healthy self regenerating scalar field effects that have been lab proven to strengthen and enhance coherent DNA and cellular integrity and function. The EESystem alone has its benefits to items and we are able to dramatically enhance effects with an adjunct technology.

Embedding the technology into our wearables allows for people to carry around a small amount of the bio active fields found in our technology. We can link you scientific white papers on how this tech works but I imagine you want a basic understanding. Essentially the wearables are providing a small bio active field of what the EES technology promotes. Bio active means your own bio molecular field is interacting and feeding off of the product. Your field is the optimized, energized and harmonized by the scalar enhanced product. The potential benefits of scalar of which include and are not limited to:

  • Builds a general body vitality level.
  • Lowers the blood-enhancing chylomicron levels (protein and fat particles coasting in the blood) and triglycerides.
  • Enhances resistance capacity.
  • Enhances mental concentration as shown by a high amplitude of EEG frequencies.
  • Increases focus and concentration.
  • Increases cellular hydration and decreased inflammation.
  • Alleviates headaches, body aches, and arthritis.
  • Delays the aging process and prevents red cells clumping.
  • Increases DNA protection.

Please click on links next to the stone of your question for more information.


AMETHYST: AMETHYST: EEMedallion | Amethyst
AVENTURINE: EEMedallion | Aventurine
BLACK OBSIDIAN: EEMedallion | Black Obsidian
GOLDEN TIGER EYE: EEMedallion | Golden Tiger
HAWK EYE (BLUE TIGER  EYE): EEMedallion | Hawk Eye
LAPIS: EEMedallion | Lapis Lazuli
PYRITE: EEMedallion | Pyrite
ROSE QUARTZ: EEMedallion | Rose Quartz
WHITE JADE: EEMedallion | White Jade
WHITE JADE MINI: EEMedallion | White Jade (Mini) (2-Pack)
ZEBRA JASPER: EEMedallion | Zebra Jasper


AFRICAN BLOODSTONE: EEBracelet | African Bloodstone
AFRICAN TURQUOISE: EEBracelet | African Turquoise
AMETHYST: EEBracelet | Amethyst
BLACK LAVA: EEBracelet | Black Lava
BLACK ONYX: EEBracelet | Black Onyx
HAWKEYE: EEBracelet | Hawk Eye
LABRADORITE: EEBracelet | Labradorite
LAPIZ LAZULI: EEBracelet | Lapis Lazuli
MORGANITE: EEBracelet | Morganite
ONYX AGATE DUO: EEBracelet | Morganite
PEACOCK DRUZY AGATE: EEBracelet | Peacock Druzy Agate
RAINBOW FLUORITE: EEBracelet | Rainbow Fluorite
RED TIGER'S EYE: EEBracelet | Red Tiger's Eye
ROSE QUARTZ: EEBracelet | Rose Quartz
WHITE JADE: EEBracelet | White Jade

Copied from: www.EESystem.com

  • Watch this movie documentary regarding earthing, and ground 30 minutes each day.
    • www.earthing.com
  • Minimize animal protein intake.
  • Increase organic fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase hydration so as long as it is not contraindicated to your medical condition.
  • Go for walks in the sun 15-30 minutes a day. Sun exposure is most natural way of receiving Vitamin D. Wait an hour or two after being exposed to sunlight to prevent loss of Vitamin D that is on your skin. Allow time for the absorption to take place.
  • Go out in nature more often.
  • Grow your own food.
  • Be aware of what you are putting in and on your body.
  • Sunscreen: Does the ingredients section indicate Benzene? If yes, replace with Benzene-free sunscreen and avoid prolonged sun exposures.
  • Meditate/pray daily.
  • Be aware of your thoughts and words. Words are powerful, so speak what you mean in most positive and loving ways, no matter how difficult.
  • Take a detox bath at least once a week.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Stop and smell the flowers. Their scent will raise your vibration and put you in a higher state.
  • Get good sleep.
  • Let go of the things and circumstances that you cannot control with love and good will.
  • Watch and read uplifting and insightful information.
  • Be of service to others.
  • Move your body.  e.g., stretching, dancing, Pilates, yoga, etc.
  • Fill your heart with gratitude, compassion, and love. These are emotions that hold the highest of vibrations.
  • The original grounding products from Earthing.
  • Essential Oils
  • NANO SOMA® by MagicDichol® 
    • https://thenanosoma.com/reviews
  • Detox from vaccinations:

In a properly formed Private Membership Association (PMA), members of that association, both professional and non-professional, are protected from state and federal government interference by the First, Fifth, Ninth, Tenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. They are also protected by the entire Constitution and the common law supporting the same. Furthermore, members also enjoy the protections under international law contained within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

5D Wellness Ministry's PMA is individuals collectively asserting and standing upon their secured perfect rights to assemble and associate; their reserved authority; their pre-existing claim to absolute authority and control over the health of their own body, mind and spirit and God given rights. This PMA is created by and exists upon the contract authority and power that people have reserved for themselves. The protections of a properly formed PMA should stay within the protections of the private domain. A PMA functions by the members acting as people, in their real private character and capacity, “No State can make a law that impairs the obligation of a contract”.  Contracts may be entered into from 5D Wellness Center with any of its members who agree upon such contract and terms of their own free will.  Among other things, PMA members are free to share information on any topic related to health, recovery, and experiences and can choose to speak, listen to, use or obtain any information, product, or service offered by 5D Wellness Center at their discretion.

5D Wellness Center is a PMA, thus providing each member 18 years and older (and their dependents) rights and protections held within this environment. In order to receive services at 5D Wellness Center, a membership is required.