Questions concerning prices? Please let us know.

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Single Overnight Sessions

$350/SESSION ($35/HR)

First-time member special: $250/session
Limited to one purchase per member

Discount code at check out: First250

Claim this offer while it lasts.


  • 10-hour session: 9 PM – 7 AM
  • The door opens at 8 pm.
  • Shared room just as in days
  • Greeted by a Team Member
  • No credits given for not staying the entire ten-hours.
Promotional 10% discounts applies to the single session only at $350.00. Please see Permanent Discounts for categories. May use ONE discount category per purchase. Multiple discount codes MAY NOT be used.


This price is per person.**
These are NON-RECURRING prepackaged sessions.
These sessions are NOT sharable.**
Promotional discounts DO NOT apply.
These sessions are NOT TRANSFERABLE to other sessions. For example, day sessions cannot be transferred to night sessions and vice versa.

Each package expires according to each packaged session from the date of purchase: One-month package expires iin one month from the purchase date, 2-mo, 3mos, etc. 
Unused sessions do not carry over. Unused sessions are lost.

Single Session1$350.00$350.00NA
1-Month Package4$1.000.00$250.00$1400-$1000=$400
2-Month Package8$1600.00$200.00$2800-$1600=$1200
3-Month Package13$1,950.00$150.00$4550-$1950=$2600
6-Month Package26$3250.00$125.00$9100-$3250=$5850
12-Month Package52$5200.00$100.00$18,200-$5200=$13,000


This price is per person and is not sharable or transferable, unless the package specifically shows shareable.
These are NON-RECURRING prepackaged sessions. No automatic renewal
These sessions are NOT sharable.
Promotional discounts DO NOT apply.
These sessions are NOT TRANSFERRABLE to other sessions. For example, day sessions cannot be transferred to night sessions and vice versa.
Each package expires according to each packaged session from the date of purchase.
– One month package: expires in one month from the purchase date
– Quarterly package: expires in three months from the purchase date
– Biannual package: expires in six months from the purchase date
– Annual package: expires in twelve months from the purchase date
Promo codes do not apply to any of the packaged sessions.
Unused sessions do not carry over. Unused sessions are lost.

Yes. A same day appointment is possible. Limitations may apply if the sessions are booked privately, closed for special events, etc.

Credits for pre-paid packages only can be found under the section in your membership area titled, “Your Pre-paid credits”.  Credits for pre-paid packages will always and only appear in this section.

Monetary credits ($ value) can only be accessed during the checkout process.  Monetary credits are always and only reflected as monetary credits. If you have a monetary credit and are unsure as to how much funds are held as credit on your account, please send us an email at and we will be happy to provide you with that information.

If you have pre-paid credits and you are booking a session just for yourself, this feature works just fine.  However, the pre-paid package feature was designed not to be shared with others.  So, if you are trying to book sessions for more than one person, the scheduling system will default you to make a full payment rather than using the pre-paid credits on your account.  The only way to use your pre-paid package credits for more than one person is to book individual appointments.  For example, if you are trying to book a session for four people using your credits, you must book four separate appointments, and each person must be enrolled in membership.

Yes.  As you schedule your session, you will be asked, "Would you like to book repeating visits?"  Click yes and follow the easy prompts to schedule your recurring sessions. If you need any assistance, please contact us. We are happy to help.

To change an existing reservation, log into your account and click on “Your Bookings”.  Click on the reservation you want to change.  Click on the pencil icon to make changes.  The amount you paid will automatically be applied to the new reservation.  Reservations must be changed by midnight, a day before your appointment time.  Reservations cannot be changed on the same day of your appointment - this will result in complete loss of the session. So, in order to receive a full credit, please reschedule as late as 11:59pm on the night before your scheduled session.

Yes.  You may cancel a reservation and receive 100% credit as long as the cancellation is done the day before your scheduled appointment. We highly encourage you reschedule your appointment instead of cancelling your appointment.

As per the terms and conditions, there are no refunds issued once a purchase is made.  Credit card companies can be very brutal to small businesses.  Often times holding 25%, 50% or 100% of the revenue for 4, 8 and sometimes 12 weeks depending on the number of refunds, or the dollar value of the refunds being processed.  We are hearing more small businesses who, after two returns/refunds, 25% of their funds were tied up for two months, another who after several returns/refunds, had 100% of their funds tied up for 3 months.  We want to stay in business and not risk having to close our doors due to these strict restrictions.

Yes. We also accept the following methods:

  • CASH: Please contact us in advance for this arrangement.
  • PERSONAL or BUSINESS CHECKS: Must be paid seven days in advance, prior to booking. We require current and valid State ID or driver's license for this transaction. Please contact us in advance for this arrangement.
  • Stellar Payment with XLM and XRP using the LOBSTR wallet at the market value on the date and time of transaction. Please contact us for this transaction inquiry.
  • Gold & Silver bars or coins at the market value on the date and time of transaction
  • Apple Pay
  • Zelle

Cancellations and No-Shows:

No refunds or credits are issued for No-Shows. No refunds or credits are issued for cancellations made on the same day of the appointment.

Credits for cancellations made in advance???

Credits can be issued for a cancellation made a day before the scheduled appointment. This credit is not automatic. After cancelling the appointment more than 24 hours from the start of your appointed time, please send an Email to requesting a credit. Only requests for credit made within the allowable will be honored.

For 2-hour sessions, a credit for the full amount paid will remain on your account for use at a future date, unless the session is a part of special offer. (Some special offers will have expiration date.) For pre-paid packages, the number of sessions that was/were cancelled will be credited back to your account and will be reflected in your account. Please go to the section of your account titled "Your Prepaid Credits" to see the credit reflected there. For pre-paid credits, only like for like credit will be issued. For example, if one session of pre-paid package is cancelled in time, one session from the said pre-paid package will be credited. It will not be credited towards purchases that are unrelated to this pre-paid package such as other promos, other purchases, etc.

Yes and no, depending on the discounted packages.

When sharing is allowed, the member purchasing the packaged session must submit in writing in three days of purchase (weekends and closed days count) who is to receive how many credits within one week of purchase. Sharing the credits can take place ONCE. The shareable packaged sessions may or may not be available.